The piece of wood as a moment in time – the human skin as an ongoing process of change.
Wood shows an intriguing and surprising analogy with human skin
– not only in naturally appearing color shades that are very similar to skin colors with similar irregularities, but also in the same sensitivity to UV light.
The piece of wood as a moment in time – the human skin as an ongoing process of change.
Wood shows an intriguing and surprising analogy with human skin
– not only in naturally appearing color shades that are very similar to skin colors with similar irregularities, but also in the same sensitivity to UV light.
Exposed is a time piece that illustrates the fascinating connection between wood and skin, and explores the changing of individual skin patterns over time due to UV radiation. The same elements of time and sunlight apply to everyone, but the outcome varies from
person to person. By creating a repetitive skin pattern of the individual,
Exposed creates awareness for one’sown uniqueness and depicts of how we are all a product of our surroundings.